When Should I File a Personal Injury Claim After an Accident?

When Should I File a Personal Injury Claim After an Accident?

When it comes to filing personal injury claims on a commercial truck accident, which wisdom should you take? There’s no time like the present or time is on your side?

Most states allow claims to be filed up to two years after a truck accident has occurred, and timing can be a critical factor. On one hand, immediate action is critical and gives you important strategic advantages in winning a legal dispute. But it also takes time to assess damages and build a strong case.

So the answer to the question is both.

No Time Like the Present

Most personal injury lawyers will tell you that taking action sooner is better than later. That’s when your recollection of the incident is the freshest and when you are most motivated to battle for your rights.

Here are reasons to move quickly:

▪ Over time, evidence gets lost, witnesses are no longer available, and memories fade

▪ Prompt action demonstrates urgency, professionalism, and priority

▪ Insurance adjusters/insurance companies often use delays in filing against claimants

Amy Witherite of Witherite Law Group says, “It is always in your best interest to contact a personal injury attorney immediately and not let too much time pass before pursuing treatment for injuries or reporting an accident. There is much to gain if you do, and a lot to lose if you don’t.”

You usually don’t delay other critical life matters until the last moment. You should treat a personal injury claim no different.

Time is on Your Side

The primary reason a claimant may delay filing claims after a truck accident is to take the time to determine the full extent of their physical injuries and damages. Another reason to take time is to ensure you develop a strong case with the best evidence and resources.

You may also want to take time if the following is true:

▪ Uncertainty about who was at fault for the accident

▪ Listening to friends and qualified professionals for advice

▪ Not knowing how to navigate the process of filing a personal injury claim

Witherite adds, “It’s essential that you take the necessary time and attention in developing your case. I’ve seen the smallest details make the biggest impacts. Be prepared, create the best case possible, and don’t leave anything to chance.”

The attorneys of Witherite Law Group are available to help individuals who have been injured in a crash so they can understand their options for filing claims and taking legal action.

Individuals who have questions about getting legal help for a truck accident can call 1-800-Truck-Wreck® or 1-800-Car-Wreck to speak with someone about their claim today.

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